Monday, November 29, 2010

Welcome To Tcareshop Blog

Hey there, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Terence Yip, co-founders of Tcareshop, an expert of wellness and personal care and was involved actively in health and beauty talks, seminars and campaigns in collaboration with more than 150,670 associates worldwide including Sandra Bullock, Asafa Powell, Ronaldinho, Sanya Richards, Liu Xiang, Jennifer Surh, Evander Holyfield, Emmit Smith and Sylvester Stallone and Miss America 2010, Carressa Cameron.  All of us commit to our excellence to improve your wellbeing, your environment and your life. I have personally helped many people in my life to attain a healthier, more fabulous lifestyle, from top bank CEO's to office managers to runway models to stressful workers to housewives, all across the globe, away from eye problems and other illness and physical pain in as little as a few weeks to a month, depending on individual's physical being and mind. So, we want to help you meet that as well. Let's do it together, shall we!!!? I'll have a giveaway in the next post.. So stay tune!! =) I'll hear from you soon alright!!